We Urgently need your help with the teacher training project and help us initiate Knowledge & Skills Transfer please give what you can today
Teacher Training Project
Knowledge & Skills Transfer
Project Overview
African Relief Agency is a charity organisation dedicated to empowering the community through educational training and knowledge transfer.
We are raising funds to build teacher training programmes for the Gaashaamo region for the current teachers to develop their skills as well as new teaching staff. The teaching and training will be conducted in two languages for primary and middle school teachers. However, teachers in secondary school will be taught in English only.
Project Milestones
During the first phase, we assessed the need for teacher training, costs, and the duration of the training course.
Building a strong network and fundraising:
The African Relief agency has members from around the world which has built our network considerably. We have been fundraising from the community and we are now building the resources and funding to work on the project.
To carry out our project we need various resources as well as the following material for teachers of varying levels;
- Teaching Courses, Assessment and Training materials
- Level 3 Microteaching
- Level 4 Certificate in education
- Level 5 Dip in Education and Training
- Level 3 Training Assessment and quality assurance
- TAQA units 1, 2, 3
- Level 3 CANVA certificate in assessing Vocational achievement units 1, 2, 3
Project Goals
Our first goal is to upskill the current teachers for their professional development and establish a training centre.
To train young graduates ready to take up a career in teaching to fill the teacher shortage in schools.
To produce a small cohort of teachers who can carry on the training in order to train new teachers at the training centre.
War bixinta Xafiiska wax barashada
xafiiska waxbarashada deg.gashaamo
Tirada dugsiyada iyo heerarkooda
1.Dugsi sare___7
2.Dugsi Hose.dhexe_50
*** 57
3.Dugsiyada reer guuraaga (ABE) ___32
Wadarta guud ee dugsiyada degmada__89
Tirada Macalimiinta iyo heerarkooda aqoneed
1. Degree___22
2. Diploma__49
3. Certificate (TTI)_110
4. Kalkaliyayal (ABE)_99
Wadarta guud ee macalimnta degmada_280
Tirada ardayda iyo heerarkooda
1. Fasalada 9_12
Lab. 561 dhedig. 278
Wadarta: 839
2. Fasalada 5_8
Lab.2078 dhedig.1503
Wadarta: 3,581
3. Fasalada 1_4
Lab.4944 dhedig. 3513
Wadarta: 8,457
Dugsiyada reer guraaga
1. Fasalada
Lab.3544 dhedig.2284
Wadarta: 5,828*
*Ardaydaasi waa kuwa ugu baahida badan wax barasho ahaan.
Wadarta guud ee ardayda degmada
Lab.11,123 dhedig.7578
wadarta 18,701.